Cage Free Layers

The LIBERA LAYERS system was born due to the need to produce eggs in compliance with laws concerning “alternative” animals, keeping in mind the increasing consumer demand for high quality eggs laid by hens bred in cage free systems. Designed to guarantee high animal life quality standards, it offers improved performances and management costs when compared to traditional systems.

The Libera Layers system is highly flexible, as it can be developed on one or two floors according the client’s objectives. The structure design facilitates access to the second floor, therefore guaranteeing maximum use of the available space.

The alternative LIBERA cage free system allows the animal to fly and move.

The perches allow the hen to safely anchor to facilitate its movements within the system and reach each level with ease. The special 45° tilt allows for movement from one level to the next and across various areas of the perchery.

The nests, delimited by the end wall and by the curtains, are a tranquil space that is separated from adjacent areas. This allows the hens to lay their eggs in total serenity. The gentle slope at the base allows for prompt collection of the eggs. The nests are installed at the centre of each module and are present on each level.

Strenth of the Libra Cage:



Maximum use of available space

Contact Us Today On Libera Layers Systems