Provides de-stratification, heat recovery and vertical mixing:
• Air circulates 360 degrees around the unit and moves rapidly throughout the vessel.
• Ensures even temperatures throughout the house keeps bedding drier and reduces moisture and condensation.
• Temperature uniformity facilitates incubation around the house if desired.
Eliminates heat stratification in poultry houses Excellent air mixing with heating options
• Directs heat down from the roof of the building and distributes it to poultry level.
• Improves bedding condition and eliminates fans.
• Uniform temperatures throughout the barn encourage a more even distribution of birds.
When minimal ventilation air is introduced into the dwelling, it quickly mixes with the circulating air, which modulates its temperature and prevents downward flows of cold air. By circulating air through the barn, temperatures are kept at a very constant level without having to move the fans. Air is introduced into the top of the unit and exhausted throughout the unit at bird's height. air circulates to the ceiling.
Provides combined stripping with economical gas heating:
• Provides low-pressure gas heating with no visible flame
in the chicken coop.
• An insulating air gap keeps the outside of the
heater away from the burner, keeping the outside of the
warm instead of hot.
• The device is designed for easy
cleaning with water or air.
CUBO® HW PLUS: Heated destratification of hot water:
Provides heated destratification of water heated outside the home:
• Eliminates internal combustion, resulting in a shorter minimum ventilation run time.
• Reduces energy costs by eliminating the need to bring cool air indoors for combustion.
• The poultry producer can produce hot water for the unit conventionally with LPG or natural gas boilers, or consider using ecological biomass burners, wood burners, waste burners etc.
• Provides excellent air mixing and heat distribution.
• Outside air enters the unit for combustion and is exhausted to the outside reducing the minimum ventilation run time.
• Incineration does not bring carbon dioxide into the stable.